IN APRIL 2025?

📣 Please note, these events are for Agency Hackers’ members only.

If your agency isn’t a member yet, get in touch with Anne or sign up here.

Event key:

đŸŸ„ Interview
đŸ©” Presentation
🟣 Demo/workshop

ALL our sessions are interactive, so cameras on and get your questions ready to ask!

How Can You Find Your Agency’s Voice?

⏰ 2pm, Wednesday 2nd April 2025

  • Agencies help their clients stand out – but what about themselves? Too often agencies preach personality, but struggle to actually showcase theirs.
  • “Agencies in particular kind of struggle with walking the walk,” says Gina Buckle, founder of Hoot Copy. “Many of them have this very theoretical understanding of what it means to really stand out and to have personality in their marketing. And particularly for digital marketing agencies who talk about this – this is a big USP that draws in clients – they need to be practising what they preach.”
  • If you’re struggling to carve out your agency’s voice, or want to get more of an insight into how you can market your agency authentically and honestly, then this is the session for you.

CLIENT SERVICES MASTERMIND: How Can Client Charters Strengthen Relationships?

⏰ 2pm, Wednesday 9th April 2025

  • “A client charter is a roadmap to a successful, frustration-free working relationship,” says Nick SilverstoneThe Fractional MD. A well-defined client charter can also be the difference between smooth, successful client relationships and constant misalignment.
    What is a good charter, and why does it matter? How can it reduce scope creep and miscommunication? And how can it create ‘internal readiness’ on both sides of the agency-client relationship?
    Nick will be answering all of these questions, and help you understand how to create client charters that make for better client relationships, clearer expectations, and smoother project execution.

How Can Agencies Charge What They’re Really Worth?

⏰ 2pm, Thursday 10th April 2025

  • Many agencies struggle with getting their pricing right. Often this isn’t a confidence issue, but rather they’re missing some key steps when valuing their services.
  • “Most people are familiar with value-based pricing,” says Alastair Dryburgh, founder of Intelligent Pricing Architecture. “They’ve probably given it a try, but it hasn’t gone entirely as described. 99% of what you read tells you to believe in your value, but that alone won’t convince your clients to pay you more money.”
  • In this session, we’ll be covering how agencies can properly nail their pricing, how to start standing out in a sea of competitors, delving into AI to understand how it’s forcing agencies to rethink their pricing strategies too – and above all, making sure you’re getting paid for the value you offer clients is paramount. 

AI WHISPERERS: “We Built An AI Platform to Run Our Agency”

⏰ 2pm, Tuesday 16th April 2025

  • “We were like, ‘Holy shit. This is going to change everything’.” When Fergus Dyer-Smith got exclusive access to Open AI’s original GPT model, he and his team at Wooshii wasted no time.
  • They began by mapping out each step of their creative processes, looking at where they could integrate AI to speed things up. Soon enough, they’d built a tool that their sales guy could use to whip up a proposal in less than an hour – so good was the tool, that agency giant Publicis Pro are now using it.
  • Fergus will take us through how Wooshii’s AI tool can help your agency speed up your creative processes and expand your team’s capacity with a few button clicks – complete with a demo to show you exactly how to use it.

HR & PEOPLE MASTERMIND: How Can You Really Nail Your Interview Process?

⏰ 11am, Thursday 17th April 2025

  • Hiring is one of the most critical decisions an agency can make. But getting it right isn’t as simple as it sounds.  From candidates who interview well but can’t deliver, to job descriptions that don’t attract the right talent, the hiring process is full of challenges you may not have considered, and Sarah White, a recruitment expert at Smile Recruitment, has seen it all.
  • “The interview process starts with the job spec. I don’t think agencies realise that,” says Sarah. “Some agencies think it’s one way – that the candidate has to impress them and they only have to extract information from them. But you need to sell the opportunity to them.”
  • How can you really nail your interview process, so you can make sure you’re not only hiring the right person, but also someone you can retain? In this session, Sarah will be sharing her insights on what makes a really effective interview process, to help you make better, more informed decisions.

What Are the Benefits to Niching Your Agency?

⏰ 11am, Wednesday 23rd April 2025

  • It’s a big question for lots of agency: to niche, or not to niche?
  • Before niching, Kelly Molson’s agency Rubber Cheese was “anything and everything to everyone”, before finding the visitor attraction space. For Chris Unitt, founder of One Further, he already had his feet firmly planted in the arts and culture sector before he even started the agency.
  • In this session, Kelly and Chris will talk through their own journeys to finding their niche, how their agency has benefited as a result, and the advice they’d give to anyone else who is looking to explore the world of niching too. If this is something you’re thinking about, this is the session for you.

CEO SUMMIT: How Should You Deal with Leadership Burnout?

⏰ 2pm, Tuesday 29th April 2025

  • Leadership isn’t just about strategy and decision-making – it’s about carrying everything. The business, the team, the highs, the lows. But when burnout strikes? It’s rarely spoken about. For many leaders, burnout isn’t sudden. Instead, it creeps up on you. And experiencing burnout at the top of the tree isn’t just personal – it affects the entire agency.
  • This session isn’t about fixing burnout – but it is about talking about it. A space to chat candidly and privately with others who’ve experienced it firsthand, or are starting to notice the signs creeping in. We’ll discuss the emotional toll of burnout on those in leadership positions, why it’s rarely spoken about, and how it can affect the entire business.
  • If you’ve ever felt exhausted, overwhelmed, or like you’re running on autopilot, this is your space to connect, vent, and speak to others who get it. And don’t worry – this won’t be recorded.

MARKETING & NEW BIZ MASTERMIND: How Can Agencies Get Better at Sales?

⏰ 11am, Wednesday 30th April 2025

  • Many agencies rely quite heavily on inbound leads and referrals for new biz. But when these avenues start to slow down, that’s when the cracks tend to show. For Ryan Hall, founder of Friday Solved, this is why agencies should do more when it comes to their sales function.
  • “Most agencies treat sales as a quick fix, rather than a long-term strategy,” says Ryan. “They often think it’s solved purely by hiring a salesperson, or a biz dev agency, but those options come with pitfalls.”
  • In this session with Ryan, we’ll be talking about how agencies can approach sales in the right way. If you’re looking to improve your sales strategy, or find new ways of approaching the sales conundrum in your agency, this is the session for you.