Great Agencies Marketing Pioneers Top 30: Celebrating Trailblazers Impacting Their Agency Pipelines

Nominations are now open! Celebrate the visionaries and game-changers who are paving the way for the future of agency success. The landscape for agencies has never been more challenging, with shrinking budgets, fickle clients, and increasing competition. But amidst this storm, there are leaders rising above, innovating, and transforming how their agencies drive new business.

Why Nominate?
– This is your chance to highlight those who are at the forefront of agency marketing and business development.
– Whether it’s through repositioning, upselling, teaming up, or innovating, tell us who you know, what they are doing and why they deserve to be nominated.
– We’ll also make a donation for every nomination we receive. This time your nominations will be going to The North London Hospice.

Pioneers are not just navigating the challenges; they’re setting the standard for how agencies source leads, grow their reputations, and keep their pipelines full.

And we want to recognise them!

The Great Agencies Marketing Pioneers Top 30 will be Judged by pioneer himself and Managing Director at Curated – Jake Cawdery, who has a robust track record of leading transformational change, driving operational excellence and achieving agency growth.

What happens next? If you nominate, or are nominated you will receive an email confirmation with a 20% discount code to Pipeline. The final Top 30 will be emailed in advance of Pipeline, to let them know they have made the list. We will spotlight winners at the event on the day (we’ll let you know first!).
Make sure you join us!

Pipeline -Thursday 17th October 2024 9.30am to 5pm at The British Library, Kings Cross