Colin Hewitt ran a successful web agency – but he couldn’t stop thinking about launching a product.
“I kept thinking: I wish we could build our own product – we know exactly how to approach it.”
But one day, Colin was eating pizza at a start-up conference in California. Basecamp founder Jason Fried was holding court, asking people what they were working on, when suddenly, the question came to him.
“I’m working on a business cash flow solution,” Colin blurted out.
Except, he wasn’t!
“I’d been sort of mulling it in my head, but I’d never said anything to anybody.”
“But the moment I said it, it became real!”
Today that app is Float, a cash forecasting tool that helps agencies visualise what’s ahead.
A lot of agencies harbour the ambition of one day launching their own product. So join us and hear how Colin pivoted from running a successful agency into running a successful Saas product.
You’ll hear the strategies, challenges, and opportunities in transforming from a service business into a scalable product business.
Is the nirvana of scalability, recurring revenue, and higher valuation multiples worth the headache or need for upfront investment in product development, the necessity of technical expertise, and the requirement for continuous innovation to stay competitive? Find out in this session.