Tues 26 Nov 2024 14:00pm UK time

“A lot of people go into new biz calls and pitches with an air of desperation, or a need,” says Jack Frimston, co-director at We Have a Meeting. “But it’s all about the psychology and mindset of relaxing and not having the attachment to the outcome that will make all the difference.”

Your agency’s pipeline is likely clogged with maybes and “get back to me later”s.

Potential clients seem interested, but deals keep stalling. 

You’re starting to wonder: is it them, or is it you?

Jack believes that mastering the psychology of winning new biz is key to transforming your approach and achieving sustainable growth.

Having worked with numerous marketing agencies, Jack has identified the key psychological factors that separate successful business developments from ineffective approaches. 

One of Jack’s core principles challenges a common misconception in sales: the idea that you can create urgency where none exists.

“You can’t create urgency,” Jack explains. “Like an ambulance blaring its sirens, for example, there’s urgency there. That’s a fact. But you can only shine a light on urgency – you can’t create it.”

Instead of trying to manufacture interest or urgency, Jack says agencies should learn how to uncover and highlight the genuine motivations of potential clients.

“When speaking to businesses about pipelines, keep it very, very lean,” advises Jack. “Don’t clutter your pipeline with deals that might happen six months from now. Instead, focus on the immediate opportunities.” 

It’s like spring cleaning your closet – keep only what you need and can use right now. This way, you can concentrate your energy on the prospects that are ready to move forward. In this session, Jack will share his practical, psychology-based techniques for transforming your agency’s approach to new business.