Weds 6 Nov 2024 11:00am UK time

“How well do you know your team’s skills and superpowers? But more importantly, do you know where the gaps in your team are as well?”

Sarah White at Concept Resourcing believes a regular skills gap analysis of your agency team is vital to its lasting success.

“The amount of my clients who have never sat down and pulled their team apart, and then put them back together one by one to see how they actually fit as part of the jigsaw, is amazing,” says Sarah.

In this HR & people mastermind, we’ll be going through why this is so important with Sarah, including:

  • Mapping current skills and roles. “It’s not just looking at your team’s technical capabilities. What are their soft skills? How do they factor into the team as a whole? As you get bigger, you then need to narrow those skillsets down and filter them.” This will help your team become a much more cohesive, well-rounded unit.
  • Avoiding uniformity. Sarah warns against building a team that has too many similar personalities. With one of her clients, this was exactly the case. “He’d ended up with a team of people pleasers. They were very good account managers, very good at client services. But they weren’t so good at pushing back on client expectations, and managing those expectations when there were setbacks.”
  • Planning for growth and future skills gaps. “It’s not just looking at what you need today,” says Sarah. “It’s looking at what you have planned for the next 12 months. What you really don’t want to do is start recruiting only when you need that person vital to the plan.”

In this session, Sarah will take you through how you can approach and conduct a skills gap analysis, and how you can fill those gaps based on your own agency’s individual needs.