Tues 6 Aug 2024 2:00pm UK time

Over the last couple of years, clients have become increasingly difficult to engage – especially when it comes to getting work over the line and committing to your agency.

So, when you’re ghosted by a client, how can you overcome this?

Jon Buchan is the king of cold emails – and his strategies can also be an effective tool to bring clients back from the abyss.

“A lot of people don’t try to make an impact when emailing,” says Jon. “They’re sending the same thing as everyone else – you’ve got to stand out, be unusual, and be memorable.”

This tactic is the same for getting replies. Key strategies include:

  • Maintaining humor and creativity (Jon’s secret weapons) in your responses.
  • Adding value with each response – so they have to reply.
  • Creating a sense of urgency.
  • Being consistent – and persistent.

Jon will be joining us to discuss his email tactics for when a client has gone dark, including how to utilise the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) to re-engage clients and get those conversations back on track.

If you’ve been struggling with client conversations, this is the perfect session for you – you don’t to miss it!