Agency Board

• Quarterly, face-to-face board meetings
• Join a small, invite-only group of agency leaders
• Gain insights and tackle challenges with expert chairs

Agency Board is a quarterly board meeting for agency leaders who want to accelerate their growth, challenge their thinking, and gain insights from like-minded peers.

Each meeting is held face-to-face and chaired by an experienced agency leader. They are a structured, high-value experience designed to help you navigate the challenges of scaling an agency.

Even better, participation is included as part of your Agency Hackers membership.

How does it work?

  • When you join Agency Board, we’ll put you in a group with 10-12 other agency leaders.
  • You’ll meet up four times a year (when you join, we’ll check the dates work for you).
  • Two weeks before the session one of our team will phone you to capture what challenges, issues and questions you’re bringing to the table.
  • One week before the meeting you’ll receive a board pack, which you’ll be expected to read in advance.
  • During the board meeting, the chair facilitates according to a set structure that gives everyone some time in the spotlight.

Members of each board are expected to show up, participate, and maintain confidentiality.

Why should you join Agency Board?

  • Being part of Agency Board will help you challenge your thinking, and help unpick tricky issues and questions with perspectives from experienced peers.
  • By bringing your experiences to the table, it will help you tackle roadblocks to your agency’s success in a structured, solution-focused setting.
  • Plus, you can take advantage of the Board being led by expert chairs who have built, scaled and exited their own successful agencies.

If this sounds like something you could benefit from, please register to attend below or get in touch with Ian Harris.